

Best Answer

If you are a fawn you have to make your outfit (you can't make the outfit so another deer has to do it, just ask a friend!)(and don't let any piece disappear) and then press ESC button and go to Network and then go to the left bottom side (you can do one piece at a time just make sure that you won't lose the saved piece before saving the outfit because if you do you have to make that piece again!). Then you press SAVE current deer appearance, and when it disappears (it does that because for the first month your a fawn) you just press LOAD that is right under it and you have your outfit again! To get antlers rub against a pine tree and eat the thing that drops off, to get a mask eat the mushrooms off of a tree, and to change your pelt color lay down next to a sleeping deer till you hear a 'ding' noise (when you do these things a yellow button will pop up on your action bar get next to the deer and click the button!). If you are grown up you just have another deer make the outfit for you and it doesn't disappear!

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Q: How do you change your deer's appearance on endless forest?
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What animals are on minecraft mo creatures mod?

Jellyfish, stingrays, mantarays, goats, crocodiles, turtles, scorpions, cats, mice, rats, deers, lions, tigers, fish. dolphins, sharks, werewolves, bears, wolfs, polarbears, wraiths, flame wraiths, ogre, fire ogre, ducks, boars, bunnies, birds, foxes, horses.

How many words con you make from Easter Sunday?

[54+]Easter Sunday: day, sun, date, east, eat, ate,rat, rate, rates, dates, rats,days, tan, yes, say, stay, stayed ,tease ,teased, as, steer,deer , teaser , deers, dear, ray, rays,taser,yeast, stare, ran, run,neater,neat,seat,seats,seater,sea,seas,at,dune,dare,nate,any,sat,sad,stun, star, stars, read, nasty, tear, tears, stund!thats all the words we could think of hope that helps:)

How many words can you make out of the word superintendent?

S U P E R I N T E N D E N Tsuper, tent, dent, tents, dents, indent, indents, ten, den, tens, dens, tin, tins, din, dins, sin, pin, pins, pint, site, pints, tint, tinted, sited, reed, teen, teens, reeds, rent, rents, rented, set, sit, dip, dips, tip, tips, nip, nips, pun, puns, sun, tree, trees, pee, pees, pie, pies, tie, ties, die, dies, rite, rites, dirt, print, prints, sin, trend, trends, send, pend, pends, dine, dines, sine, dept, see, seep, deep, in, seer, deer, deers, tend, tends,

What are some five letter words with 4th letter R and 5th letter S?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 165 words with the pattern ---RS. That is, five letter words with 4th letter R and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: acers afars agars agers amirs apers arars avers baurs bawrs bears beers biers birrs blurs boars boors bowrs brers buhrs burrs carrs chars coirs cours currs czars daurs dears deers doers doors dorrs duars durrs dyers egers emirs ewers eyers fairs fears feers fiars fiers flirs flors fours furrs gairs gaurs gears girrs gnars goers goors guars haars hairs hears heirs hoars hoers hours huers icers izars jeers jours kbars keirs khors kiers knars knurs ksars kyars laers lairs lears leers lehrs leirs liars liers loirs lours maars mairs mawrs meers moers mohrs moors muirs murrs nears noirs nurrs odors omers oners overs oxers oyers pairs parrs pears peers piers pours puers purrs rears roars ruers sairs scars scurs sears seers seirs serrs shirs skers skyrs slurs smirs smurs snars soars sours spars spurs stars stirs suers tahrs tears teers tehrs thars tiars tiers tirrs torrs tours tsars tyers tzars users vairs veers viers voars wairs waurs wears weirs whirs yaars yarrs years yirrs yours

Make a 5 letter word with these letters b r e a d c a d o s d l o s e?

5-letter wordsabase, abele, abler, ables, abode, acerb, acold, acred, acres, added, adder, addle, adobe, adobo, adore, aedes, albas, alder, alecs, aloes, arced, ardeb, areae, areal, areas, areca, arles, arose, arses, baaed, baals, balas, balds, baled, baler, bales, balsa, barde, bards, bared, bares, basal, based, baser, bases, basso, beads, beard, bears, bedel, beers, blade, blare, blase, blear, bleed, bless, blocs, blood, board, boars, boded, bodes, bolar, bolas, boles, bolos, booed, boors, boral, boras, bored, bores, brace, brads, braes, brass, bread, brede, breed, brees, broad, brood, broos, brose, cabal, caber, cable, cades, cadre, carbs, cards, cared, cares, carle, carls, carob, carol, carse, casas, cased, cases, cease, cedar, ceded, ceder, cedes, celeb, ceorl, cered, ceres, ceros, clads, claro, class, clear, clods, close, coala, coals, coble, cobra, codas, coded, coder, codes, coeds, colas, colds, coled, coles, color, cooed, cooee, cooer, cools, coral, cords, cored, cores, corse, coses, craal, crabs, crass, credo, creed, creel, cress, cross, daces, dadas, dados, dales, darbs, dared, dares, deads, deals, dears, debar, decal, decor, decos, dedal, deeds, deers, deled, deles, dobla, dobra, dodos, doers, dolce, doled, doles, dolor, doors, dorsa, dosed, doser, doses, drabs, dread, dreed, drees, dress, drool, dross, eared, earls, eased, easel, eases, elder, erase, erode, erose, erses, escar, labor, labra, laced, lacer, laces, laded, lader, lades, lards, laree, lares, lased, laser, lases, lasso, leads, lears, lease, leers, loads, lobar, lobed, lobes, lobos, locos, lodes, loess, looed, loose, lords, lores, loser, loses, oared, oases, obese, oboes, obole, obols, ocrea, odder, odors, older, oleos, orals, orbed, orcas, ordos, oread, orles, raced, races, rales, rased, rases, readd, reads, reals, rebec, rebel, redds, reded, redes, redos, reeds, reels, resod, roads, robed, robes, roble, rodeo, roles, roods, roose, rosed, roses, sabed, saber, sabes, sable, sabra, sabre, sacra, sades, salad, sales, salsa, sards, saree, sarod, saros, scabs, scads, scald, scale, scare, scars, scold, score, scree, scrod, seals, sears, seder, seeds, seels, seers, serac, seral, sered, seres, slabs, sleds, slobs, sloes, soars, sober, socle, sodas, solar, soldo, soled, soles, solos, soras, sorbs, sords, sorel, sores

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What is a deers job in a forest?

Deers do not have jobs

What is the deers biome?

They live in the Temperate Deciduous Forest.

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Are there any good wolf games that aren't wolfquest?

yes it is called the endless forest but it is loaded with viruses and it is a deer game not a wolf game but it is very fun and the deers faces look like human faces but the other players can cast spells on you and change that look but it is very hard to get.

Why can deers survive better than penguins in forests?

because deers live in the forest and penguins dont?

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deers get crashed by cars because some roads are right neer the forest

What games are like wolfquest?

there is a game called the endless forest but your a deer and the game is loaded with vuruses and your deers face looks like a human face but another deer can cast spells on you and they can change that but it is very hard to get.

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Some trees in the deers' forest were being cut so they moved to another part of it.

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How can you use the word deers in a sentence?

When I went to the forest I saw a deer.

Why should you protect the deers?

Because they are important to people who eat meat, without deers, some people who hunt in the forest might starve to death.

Where did deer live?

Deers usually live in forests. On places out of the Philippines