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There are two ways. The first is: once you log into minecraft and you are on the title screen, click on options. Then click on Controls. Then click on whatever control you want to change, and press the key you want it to change to. The second way is to press escape while in the game and go to Options. Do the same thing as above.

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Q: How do you change your controls on Minecraft?
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How do you change controls in minecraft back to normal?

Look up the default controls on the minecraft wiki page, go to the control settings in minecraft, and change them.

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You can press ESC. Then go to options, controls, and then change them there.

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There is no way to restore the default controls other than to find a list of the default controls somewhere and change them manually.

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All you will have to do is change the controls to the arrow keys.

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press I that's the default control unless you change the controls

How do you turn the controls from Button 1 to the normal controls in minecraft?

Button 1 is the left mouse button, which is normal. If you want to change it, go to the options.

How do you change the Minecraft controls in 1.0.0 Because I tried to change the controls and now its stuck on Button 1 in red letters What does that mean?

Nobody has had that before i think.Try going to notch on twitter and if he accepts you tell him that.

How do you use optifine for Minecraft 1.4.2?

you download the optifine file, and drag it all into the minecraft.jar in the bin folder in the .minecraft folder, making sure that you delete the META-INF file, otherwise it wont work, and then when you log on to minecraft, go into video settings and play around with it, and change the controls for them in the controls.

How do you change your controls on minecraft after canging 3 of them to button one?

how do u change it cause every time i click on it this comes up <???> then when i click on done and they change again

What are the controls for Minecraft?

When you first get Minecraft, the controls for moving are W, A, S, and D. W moves you forward, A moves you to the left side, S moves you backwards, and D moves you to the right side. If you want to change your contorls then pause minecraft with the Esc button located on the top left corner and click, "Opitions..." then ckick "Controls..." and you will see all of the controls like how to open you inventory and how to attack/destory and how to jump.

How do you fix it when In minecraft you push WASD to walk and it just shifts your inventory instead of walking?

You need to change the controls. First press Esq to open the menu, and then click on Controls, and you'll get a list of all the controls.

Are there any parental controls for minecraft?

No, not currently.