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If you are a Moshi Member then a Moshling will follow you around Monstro City. Here are the steps to doing so:

1) Make sure the Moshling you want is in your room.

2) Click on the moshling in your moshling zoo.

3)walk out of your home and go to main street.

4) if the moshling you want isn't following you, go back to your home.

5) make sure the moshling you want to follow you is the only moshling in the room.

6) click on the moshling zoo.

7) go back to Main Street.

8) the selected moshling should be following you!

P.S. if this does not work if you are a member, contact the moshi team for further guidance.

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Q: How do you change the moshling who walks with you on moshi monsters?
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How do you switch the pet your walking with on moshi monsters?

the moshling that walks with you is the one at the top of your list in your moshling zoo. So all you have to do is change the moshling at the top of your list and bam a new moshling will follow you :)

How do you take a pet out on Moshi Monsters?

If you want to have a moshling follow your monster when you take your monster out walking in Mosntro City, you need to be a paid Moshi Member. The moshling that walks with you is the moshling that is first in your list of the six moshlings that go in your room.

How do you take a moshiling out with your monster in moshi monsters?

You can take your moshlings on walks if you are a member, just click on your moshling(s) and click on the door.

What is in the bushes outside on moshi monsters?

Flumpy. It's Iggy because it walks about and you can see it.

How do you have a moshling walk with you?

wen u get 1 put it in ur house (by going on moshling zoo and click on it) and then go into town and click on anywhere in town except 4 volcano and puzzle palace and just click somewhere and the moshling will follow ur monster. (soz this only works 4 moshi members((i think)) )

Do moshling go for walks?


Can your monster die on Moshi Monsters?

No, Moshi Monsters do not die. If you do not log into your account for a long time, or if you do not feed your monster, your monster's health and happiness levels go to 0. To increase your monster's health and happiness, just feed it, take it shopping and for walks, and play games.

Can the luvli in moshi monsters walk?

Luvi walks by flying. she has little wings that flap around and keeps her flying like birds or bugs that have wings.

How do you know when you got a moshling?

when it come past ur flowers or it walks somethink little around in ur house or moshling zoo

How do you walk your moshling if you are not a member?

You can't because you are oblige to be a member to walk your moshling so if you see a non-member walking his moshling, it means that there is a problem and if you know the person that walks his moshling without being a member ask him and if he know try!

What is the duration of The Monster Walks?

The duration of The Monster Walks is 1.05 hours.

Why don't your plants grow as fast on Moshi Monsters if your monster is upset?

If you have planted seeds in your garden then they should grow. If you're finding that they aren't then it may be worth digging up a seed and planting another. Check your monsters health and happiness. If your monster is sick or unhappy, your plants will take longer to grow.