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you go to options, and click those 2 black circles in the right corner, then on your left, you can see all the realms(servers)there are to enter.

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Q: How do you change servers on wizard101?
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You can't hack wizard101 as the servers are all firewalled and encrypted.

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You can't change your birthday in wizard101

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No. You can not change the appearance of your mount.

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You can't change servers on wewaii. You can just register on a new server. You could also cancel the old account. But you can't just move your account to other servers.

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yes it does, my computer had a virus and my dad took it to a guy and when my dad came back he said it was caused by wizard101

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How do you enable your free chat on wizard101?

Just upgrade your account after upgrading it goto normal servers not moglin safe servers cuz moglin safe servers allows only canned chat while normal servers are servers that allows chat enabled servers :-)

How do you get wizard101 on cheat engine?

Trying to get 1000000000 gold, eh? Even you are successful in hacking wizard101 and getting lots of gold the minute you try to buy that outfit, the servers seize back control and your coins return to normal, probably even 0.

How do you get to the settings on star stable I'm trying to change servers to meet up with my friend?

Refer to your user manual on how you will get to the settings on your star stable in order to change the servers.

Where can you write down codes in wizard101 UK?

No, we can't. Only America can. Although we can type in promotion codes but it isn't the same. We hope that team members of Wizard101 will change that though.

How do change you password on wizard101?

I'm sorry but the old answer was not very suitable so please feel free to change this answer if you know it.

Does wizard101 have virus?

No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from