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You can set it in the config file. (server.propeties)

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Q: How do you change your Minecraft servers seed?
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How do you make multiple Minecraft servers?

You simply change the port number in the minecraft server properties

How do you change the seed on the Minecraft demo?

You can't change the seed in the demo you can only in the full edition.

Any good servers for Minecraft 1.6.6?

No, there is not any good servers for Minecraft 1.6.6. In fact, there are no more 1.6.6 servers at all. There are only updated servers. My recamendation is for you to update minecraft. All of the servers, or the most active, always update.

Is there a minecraft seed with all resources available?

As a minecraft world is 8 times the surface of the earth, there is a 99.9% change of all recources available in the map, whatever seed you use.

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no you need minecraft beta to play beta servers

What is a seed for Pokemon in Minecraft?

Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.

What do premium accounts in Minecraft do?

A premium account is a Minecraft account that has bought the game. A premium account allows you to change your skin and play on multiplayer servers.

How do you change the colour of your nickname in a minecraft server?

You would have to ask the owner of the server about that, it varies between servers.

What are the top ten servers in minecraft?

If you go onto the site "PlanetMinecraft" then hit "Servers" on the horizontal menu. Then click on "servers" then "Top List!" you can see the top servers on the biggest Minecraft site.

Are their any minecraft servers that have skyblock with nether enabled that are cracked?

Yes. There are minecraft servers that have skyblock with nether enabled that are cracked.

Who is moepop in Minecraft?

moepop is a epic minecraft player he made 15 servers and beat like fifty servers too

Who wants to make a Minecraft server?

There are already plenty of Minecraft servers up and available. There is no need to solicit for additional servers.