you can't, you need to return the Pokemon back to the DS and go for a new stroll before you can select a new route.
Resetting the Pokewalker doesn't affect Routes; they are stored on your cart.
No, but you can get Torchic on one of the Pokewalker routes.
It's a map with routes to look at. They are pokewalker routes to take strolls on with your pokemon.
In the pokewalker routes, and definitely Ilex Forest to name a few areas.
You can find machop on some pokewalker routes, and in some patches of grass.
Resetting the Pokewalker doesn't affect Routes; they are stored on your cart.
By earning watts
On the pokewalker in some routes
i did it before.
You have to go to one of the routes on the pokewalker to find Munchlax.
check on
No, but you can get Torchic on one of the Pokewalker routes.
The Pokewalker routes I found so far are:Page 1:Refreshing FieldNoisy ForestRugged RoadBeautiful BeachSuburban AreaPage 2:Dim CaveBlue LakeTown OutskirtsHoenn FieldThere are still more!!
It's a map with routes to look at. They are pokewalker routes to take strolls on with your pokemon.
Go to the pokewalker menu, and click on return from stroll.
You have to get a lot of watts on the first route and when you're taking your Pokemon out of the Pokewalker, it should say on the top screen how many watts till next route. When you get watts on the Pokewalker, don't use them all.
no, you have to earn them again