you kill all the zombies genuis!!
All of the Living
You can't finish "Zombies" on "Call Of Duty Black Ops" .They are just endless waves of zombies until you die and start all over again.
Well there is a glitch to get double points and a a rock glotch and i know how to do them all and for all the maps even the first stike map pack for the maps online and zombies
well I have call of duty black ops for the PS3 and i don't think you can change the language on it, it all depends on what country you get it from e.g. if you brought it from Germany the language would be German etc.
Yes. I think they will wack the zombies in the head with the axe. We all really hate zombies. We do not like zombies. I think humans will win. I really hope that all zombies are gone forever and don't come back. We must protect the whole entire World.
all sorts of zombies
well....there was a nuke and all the radiation effected all the people on the surface to be zombies All people in the air or underground will not be zombies
They have a bunch of new modes, which not all have been released, but we do know that they have released these ones below. (Subject to change over time)Zombies Campaign (You learn about the story behind the zombies)Classic Zombies (all the first maps from Call of Duty World at War Zombies)Zombies (New zombie maps, and maps from the original Black Ops)Team Survival (8 players split into teams of four. Team with the most points wins up until the last man standing.)
It must be your texture pack. Make sure your texture pack is updated properly.
not at all zombies (walkers) will never come to this earth (world) at all
First of all. Zombies arent real..
you kill all the zombies genuis!!
Zombies are never actually 'alive', they are simply reanimated corpses. but no there are not going to be any zombies. :)
go to edit profile and select language
Black ops is fun but if they want more sales they should take all the gore and heavy language out of there, so basiclly no zombies.
Games played on PSN must have all the updates and they might have been patched or never existed