If you go on a side quest once you get the Deku leaf, you can talk to Zunari and get the song of passing from him to change night into day and back.
you get it by one of the temples the wind temple
Learn it from tott at windfall island
Wind Waker and Phatom Hourglass
Just off one of the islands where you deposit the orbs.
In the accepted Zelda timeline, Phantom Hourglass is after Wind Waker. When talking about release dates, Four Swords Adventures is after Wind Waker.
You can't change your control schemes in The Wind Waker. You will have to get used to the controls. Maybe your controller is broken?
They have remade the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the Wii U in HD graphics.
It is found in the Mother & Child isles. I LOVE ZELDA THE WIND WAKER IT IS THE BEST GAME EVER!!
wind waker
You cannot obtain the Ocarina of Tiime in The Wind Waker.
In the the forbidden woods or in the wind temple.
A Few
There is not a net in this game.
She says she works on Dragonroost but really you can not find her
the wind waker is an inanimate object also its NOT IN TWILIGHT PRINCESS