you can change its formes by going to route 3 and examine the meteorites to change formes.
Top right meteorite - attack forme
Top left meteorite - normal forme
Bottom right meteorite - speed forme
Bottom left meteorite - defense forme
it does not exist in soulsilver outside of hacks or trades.
You can't catch Deoxys in soul silver
go to Narcene City Museum and on the left there is a meteor press the A button on your DS it will change Deoxys form
You Cant Only In R/S or D/P
First you have to catch Mewtwo and then head to Mt Moon at midnight on Monday. Somewhere deep in the cave is were the deoxys are.
They change deoxys form
you cant get deoxys in soul silver sorry
Deoxys is not in soulsilver, wynaut get one from pokegts?
it does not exist in soulsilver outside of hacks or trades.
you can't
You can change Deoxys into 1 of its Formes in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver by interacting with 1 of the 4 Meteorites in Route 3 which is the route between Pewter City and Mt. Moon in the Kanto region.
You can't catch Deoxys in soul silver
Deoxys (Referenced As Pokemon #386 In The National Pokedex) changes forms via a variety of methods. In Ruby and Sapphire Deoxys will appear in Normal form, In LeafGreen it is shown in its defense form, FireRed shows the Pokemon in its Attack form and Emerald Shows it in its Speed form. Diamond, Pearl and Platiunum versions, Deoxys can be changed by increasing any of its Speed, Attack or Defense stats to change it to that specific type. To return it to normal type all stats need to be even/level. With HeartGold and SoulSilver Deoxys can be changed by coming into contact with certain meteorites in one of the main cities.
Ok The Stones for deoxys are to the right of pewter city they are in craters you have to have deoxys with you in the part for it to work. And each one gives you a different form Normal and Defense and Speed and Attack. Hope This Really helped you out. =) =) =)
You have to trade a Deoxys from another Pokemon game to get it on your copy of SoulSilver.
Well not you... me?
In veilstone city at the east there will be four meteorits that each have the ability to change the form of deoxys that are: (attack form), (defense form), (speed form), (normal form).