Ralts is all around the area of Hearthome City. Route 209- Trophy Garden- and the passage to the left. You should try to get a girl and a boy so you can get Gallade AND Gardevoir. Hope this helps! :) -made by me-
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
at level 20
well first u need to catch a ralts it can be found in route 208 209 and 212 an it evolve at lvl 20
Route 102 on Pokemon Sapphire.
how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
at lv 20 that is when ralts evolves
Ralts can be caught on Route 209 in Platinum. Ralts evolves into Kirlia at Level 20 or catch a Kirlia on Route 212
You have to catch him in a weak forest. they're very weak.
you catch ralts at route 203 and 204 and use a poke radar
lv 20 into kirlia
Lv. 20
at level 20
In Pokémon SoulSilver, you cannot find Kirlia however you could catch a Ralts in Route 34 and evolve int into Kirlia at Level 20.
well first u need to catch a ralts it can be found in route 208 209 and 212 an it evolve at lvl 20
listen to pokemon talk. wait for an outbreak and go catch it.
abra and ralts are two of them