talk to the person on the first pier of castelia city to get the one that your starter is super effective against. for the others, go to pinwheel forest
Musharna, Petilil, Cottonee, Minccino, Elektrik, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, and Lampent.
Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.
can you TRADE for a pansear on POKEMON WHITE 2!
16 - Mankey, Primeape, Aipom, Ambipom, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Pansear, Pansage, Panpour, Simisear, Simisage, Simipour (Last 6 are from Black/White)
In the dream yard there is a woman who will give you the monkey that is weak against your starter Tepig = Pansage Snivy = Panpour Oshawott = Pansear ........ You can also find all of them in the rustling grass. ( especially in lostlorn forrest)
pansear, pansage and panpour
Musharna, Petilil, Cottonee, Minccino, Elektrik, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, and Lampent.
It depends on your starter. Snivy: Pansear Oshowatt: Pansage Tepig: Panpour Talk to a dude in the dream yard to get a Pokemon that will help depending on your starter. This is what Pokemon you will receive depending on your starter Snivy:Panpour Oshowatt: Pansear Tepig: Pansage
Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.
Go to Pinwheel Forest.Then When you get there Look For Shaking Grass Places And It Could Be Either These. Pansear,Panpour,Pansage,Virizon Hope It Works :]
in the city forgot the name, right after route 4, when you go into the city take a right from your point of view and ask each person on the dock and one of them is gonna ask you what elemental monkey you have( panpour, pansear, or pansage) and if pansear you get fire stone, panpour= water stone, and pansage= leaf stone, got it?
Yes, in Pinwheel and Lostlorn forest. 10% chance if the grass is shaking. you can also catch panpour, pansage, unfezant, whilrlipede, whimsiscott, and audino.
At the Dreamyard just outside the city, past a couple of trainers to the right, you will see a women with black hair, if you talk to her she will give you the 3 monkey Pokemon and Pansage is one of them. If you have Snivy you will get Panpour, if you have Tepig you will get Pansage, If you have Oshawott you will get Pansear.
can you TRADE for a pansear on POKEMON WHITE 2!
go to the dreamyard after you beat the two trainers there you will find a lady talk to her she'll give you panpour, pansear, or pansage based on your starter Pokemon, use this Pokemon to defeat chilli.
Pansear evolves into Simisear with the fire stone which you can get at the last pier on the very right in Castelia city. They'll ask you if you want to evolve either Pansear, Pansage, or Panpour. tell them you want to evolve Pansear and you'll get the leaf stone. Hopes this helps :)
panpour pansear zebstrika minichino