The shaking grass, make sure you're in the forest, not the outskirt.
talk to the person on the first pier of castelia city to get the one that your starter is super effective against. for the others, go to pinwheel forest
Cottonee can be found in Black in the Pinwheel Forest, Abundant Shrine, or the lostlorn forest. To get Cottonee in White you can either trade from Black, or go to the girl in Nacrene City and trade a Petilil (you can catch these in the Pinwheel Forest) for her Cottonee.
Gloom - Vileplume Weepinbell - Victreebel Exeggcute - Exeggutor Nuzleaf - Shiftry Pansage - Simisage Oh, and Eevee evolves into Leafeon at Moss Rock (Eterna Forest in DPPt or Pinwheel Forest in B&W/B&W2)
you don't get it you go near the giant rock in pinwheel forest
After you catch Cobalion (legend) you go to where that man was standing in pinwheel forest on the gate is gone and you can go further. When you go to deepest forest you'll find Verizon standing west south (bottom left corner)
pinwheel forest mvp
In the pinwheel forest, you can catch a pansage in rustling grass. I do not know the exact percentage, but all of the elemental monkeys can be caught there.
You can find wild Pansage in Pinwheel Forest and Lostlorn Forest.
You can get a Pansage by choosing the starter Tepig,then going to the Dreamyard and talking to a woman,and she will give it to you.Or you can just try and catch one in the either the Pinwheel Forest or the Losthorn Forest.
Yes, in Pinwheel and Lostlorn forest. 10% chance if the grass is shaking. you can also catch panpour, pansage, unfezant, whilrlipede, whimsiscott, and audino.
it can occasionally be found in rustling grass in pinwheel forest and lostlorn forest. also if you started with tepig, a girl in the dreamyard will give you one for free
You can catch Pansage in the Lostlorn and Pinwheel Forests. You can also get it as a gift in the Dreamyard (in the top right corner of Striaton City) if you chose Tepig. This is not needed, but: Pansage evolves, using a Leaf Stone, into Simisage. You can get the Leaf Stone in Castelia City.
You can find pansage, panpour and pansear in pinwheel forest and lostlorn forest but only in the shaking grass
there is a person in the dreamyard which is located next to striaton city who will give you a pansage or one of the other pans. If you are not given a pansage by the person they can be found in rustling grass in pinwheel forest.
Start off with a tepig and you will be given one or go to Pinwheel forest and look for shaking grass.
talk to the person on the first pier of castelia city to get the one that your starter is super effective against. for the others, go to pinwheel forest
Pinwheel forest.