You need pokemon fire red or leaf green and insert it to the ds and find it on route ?? Sorry dont know the res
If You want to catch magby in Pokemon pearl you have to: Insert a Pokemon leafgreen game in the GBA slot. Goto stark Mountain and search there eventualy you will find a magby if u don't start using pokeradar then u will find it Good Luck<(-_-)>
You can't. On Diamond, Pearl and Platinum there is a 5% chance that Magby will hold the Magmarizer.
neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond
NO!!!!! YOU CAN ONLY CATCH PALKIA ON PEARL you can't catch dialga on Pokemon pearl but you CAN trade it you only get both in Pokemon platinum
You can't catch Murkrow in Pearl. Murkrow is a Diamond-only Pokemon. Just like Misdreavus is a Pearl-only Pokemon.
you can by getting an egg
Wild Magby occasionally hold them. You can catch Magby at Stark Mountain.
If You want to catch magby in Pokemon pearl you have to: Insert a Pokemon leafgreen game in the GBA slot. Goto stark Mountain and search there eventualy you will find a magby if u don't start using pokeradar then u will find it Good Luck<(-_-)>
There is no Magma that can be caught in the wild on Pearl. However, you can catch a Magby on route 227, then evolve him.
you can get a magby at the valley windworks or route 205
Trade a magmar holding a magmarizer and to get that you have to catch a bunch of magby which I think you can only catch in Diamond.
You can catch Magby by Feugo Ironworks.
You can catch magby in the white forest
To get it, you have to catch a Magby in the wild. You can catch it in Route 229 or in Stark Mountain by inserting a Leafgreen version into your gameboy. Magby has a magmorizer 50% of the time in Pokemon Pearl, and 5% of the time in Diamond.
yes! he is on Route 227
Sorry you can't catch magby, but you can still breed magby with magmar.