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ask dawns sister and once she'll say route 207 bunch of larvitar but only wen she says this they'll be there

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Karianne Feil

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3y ago
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Q: How do you catch larvitar in pearl?
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Where can you find larvitar in pearl?

you can not catch it in pearl but u can catch bagon in pearl

How do you get Tyranitar in Pokemon pearl or diamond version?

Tyranitar evolves from Pupitar, which evolves from Larvitar. You can get a wild Larvitar in Diamond at Route 207. It's impossible to catch a wild Larvitar in Pearl.

How do you catch a larvitar in pearl?

ask dawns sister and once she'll say route 207 bunch of larvitar but only wen she says this they'll be there

Can you catch a bagon in Pokemon diamond?

You can only catch bagon in pearl. But you can catch larvitar, route 207, you have to use the poke rader. If you had pearl you would find bagon on route 210 (fog) with the poke rader.

Where do you catch bagon in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't catch it in Diamond, only in Pearl. But hey, you can catch Larvitar in Diamond but not in Pearl. It evolves into Tyranitar which is stronger. It's in Route 207 and you need to use Poke Radar.

How do you get Larvitar in Pokemon Pearl?

Larvitar does not naturally appear in the wild in Pokemon Pearl. In order to get one, you will have to trade for have to trade with either a gba game or diamond and 2 catch 1 on diamond u have 2 have a national pokedex

Where can you catch a larvitar?

Larvitar can be found in Mt.Silver.

Where do you capturre larvitar in Pokemon Pearl?

Larvitar is... sadly... not in Pearl, even says so.

Where can you find a larvitar in Pokemon pearl but not in pal park?

you can't find larvitar in pearl. You can only find it in diamond.

Can you catch larvitar in Pokemon platinum?

you can catch a larvitar on route 206 if dawns sister says you can.

Where do you catch larvitar?

to find larvitar go to the Seavault Canyon

Can you catch a Larvitar in Pokemon Emerald Version?

No you cannot catch Larvitar in Pokémon Emerald.