If you very carefully lower Kyogre's health to near zero, it will be much easier to catch. (I'm sure this is common sense anyway...) Ultra balls and perhaps repeat balls will make Kyogre easier for you to catch. I would suggest using the Master ball anyways, it's much easier (Unless you've already used it.) If you did use it, prepare for a lot of wasted Pokeballs...
you have to be either sixth or seventh you dont need a masterball to catch him
you can, the catch is fairly easy even without a masterball although I woul use ultra balls if you arent going to use a masterball. I you knock out reshiram without sAVing before hand you can try again after the credits at dragonspiral tower
you can`t catch kyogre or groudon or both of them without linking them from sapphire, ruby or emerald version.
You can't :/ you can only get a Groudon on SS, You get the Kyogre on HG . Which if you get a kyogre from HG take it with your Groudon to Mr.Pokemon then you can catch Rayquaza :) i know that why i said without trading
Use a masterball,parilize it,constently huck balls at it,damage it.
Yeah it is possible to catch kyogre with out wasting your masterball you wont have to use it until you see latias and latias requires you to use your masterball.
To catch kyogre without masterball buy 20 ultraballs and 1 healball and go to the embeded tower if u have blue orb you can go if you don't you cannot go because you need blue orb to catch kyogre then if ur fighting kyogre use healball first before the ultraballs if the healball fails to catch use the ultraballs but you need to attack kyogre before you can catch it i use hydrocannon on kyogre and his hp is red and i use my ultraball and i capture it Hope This Helps
you have to be either sixth or seventh you dont need a masterball to catch him
weaken it and put it to sleep
you can, the catch is fairly easy even without a masterball although I woul use ultra balls if you arent going to use a masterball. I you knock out reshiram without sAVing before hand you can try again after the credits at dragonspiral tower
A fleeing legendary pokemon
you can`t catch kyogre or groudon or both of them without linking them from sapphire, ruby or emerald version.
try using dusk balls
The Master Ball is the strongest Pokeball as it guarantees a catch without fail when used on a wild Pokemon.
You can't :/ you can only get a Groudon on SS, You get the Kyogre on HG . Which if you get a kyogre from HG take it with your Groudon to Mr.Pokemon then you can catch Rayquaza :) i know that why i said without trading
Use something like mean look to keep it from running, then catch it like you normally catch a legendary.