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Q: How do you catch kadabra in platinum?
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Where do you catch a kadabra at?

You cant catch a Kadabra. You have to train Abra to level 16 to get Kadabra. Hope i helped :)

When does kadabra evolves Pokemon platinum?

Kadabra evolves upon trading.

Where can you catch an Abra?

You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...

What level does kadabra evolve in platinum?

You may link trade Kadabra to evolve it to Alakazam. However, this is not exclusive to Pokemon Platinum. These have been the evolution properties of Kadabra since the original Gameboy games.

Pokemon platinum how to evolve kadabra?


Where in Pokemon platinum can you find a kadabra?

Lucian of the Elite 4 has one.If you want to catch one route 215 i just caught one level 22.

Pokemon platinum is there a trainer with kadabra?

yes lots

How do you catch a alexame?

You have to trade Kadabra.

What level does kadabra evolve in pokemon platinum?

Kadabra only evolves through trading it, not by leveling. Hope this helped ^^

Where to catch a kadabra in LeafGreen?

in cerulean cave

How do you catch alakizam in Pokemon pearl?

You cannot catch an Alakazam. To have one, you must trade a Kadabra. It will evolve into an Alakazam when it is done so.

Where do you catch an alazkazam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to evolve kadabra by trading.You need either catch kadabra then trade or you catch Abra evolve it then trade need a connecting cord to do this. (that's the only two ways)