Basically, -just- and I use the term loosely, obtain all Pokemon obtainable in Emerald/ruby/sapphire, on such games, then choose a johto starter (Birch will call you) and trade. Only way, sorry.
Not any hoenn Pokemon but firered and leafgreen can catch alot of kanto and johto Pokemon ruby and sapphire can and can't.
You can't get to the johto region in firered.
you either have to trade with a friend or use an action replay code to catch another trainers Pokemon.
You can the Pokemon from the johto region once you have the national pokedex. To get the national pokedex, catch 60 or more Pokemon from the kanto region then go and see prof. Oak in his lab in Pallet town.You can't.... But you can get johoto Pokemon in the game and from Pokemon colluseam.
Pokemon Soulsilver and Heartgold has the 3 original starters, which 1 of them can be obtained after getting 16 Gym Badges. (8 from Johto and 8 from Kanto) For GBA, which also can be in the DS (Not in DSi and the 3DS family systems, though.), it would be Leafgreen and Firered.
no you cant unless you have an action replay to catch trainers Pokemon but other then that you cant catch johto starters in the wild
catch....... BUT ONLY on emerald
Not any hoenn Pokemon but firered and leafgreen can catch alot of kanto and johto Pokemon ruby and sapphire can and can't.
You can't get to the johto region in firered.
No, but if you catch all the sinnoh pokemon; Prof. Rowan will offer you one of the three Johto starters.
Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil.
You can't.
Only emerald can get a johto starter however you can trade the johto shadow Pokemon from Pokemon colosseum then breed them in sapphire to get the johto starters you can also trade the johto starters directly from Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
You can't go to Johto in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen.
You can't.
No way you can't get a johto starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen. The only way is to trade with someone to get it.
johto PokemonJohto Pokemon mostly appeared in FireRed or LeafGreen, but they appeared in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.You can search for wild johto Pokemon in Sevii islands after beating Elite four. For Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald more johto Pokemon appeared after beating the Elite four and go to the safari zone extension area.For the Johto starters, you can get them after compelting the hoenn pokedex in Emerald,and deoxys is on the list. if you want all the Johto starters you must trade them from your friend who has completed their pokedex and choose different Johto starter. If your friend don't want to give their Johto Starter you may ask them to breed the Johto starter with ditto and if the egg hatch you may ask your friend to trade the Johto starter or the baby Johto starterQwilfish, Murkrow, Dunsparce, Hoppip, Sentret, Larvitar, Unown, Delibird, Marill, Swinub, Yanma, Wobuffet, Natu, Entei, Raikou, Suicune.