Go to Kanto and go to Route 8 a pokemon with cut will be needed and you will probably have better luck finding one at night
You can't catch a Haunter in Emerald. You can trade for one, you can find a Duskull/Dusclops at MT Pyre, but you can't straight out find a wild Haunter.
you have to trade
To get a Gengar you must first catch a Haunter. To evolve the Haunter you have to trade it to another gaming system.
Catch a Gastly (either in Burned Tower in Ecruteak City or in Sprout Tower in Violet City) and evolve it to a Haunter (it evolves at level 25). When you have a Haunter, just trade it and it will evolve into Gengar.
Gengar can only be obtained by trading a Haunter.
You can't catch a Haunter in Emerald. You can trade for one, you can find a Duskull/Dusclops at MT Pyre, but you can't straight out find a wild Haunter.
You cant. You have to catch a gastly then envolve it to haunter then trade with someone and trade back haunter will envolve to gengar!
you have to trade
in pokemon tower in lavendar town
evolve gastly.
To get a Gengar you must first catch a Haunter. To evolve the Haunter you have to trade it to another gaming system.
Catch a Gastly (either in Burned Tower in Ecruteak City or in Sprout Tower in Violet City) and evolve it to a Haunter (it evolves at level 25). When you have a Haunter, just trade it and it will evolve into Gengar.
You can catch Haunter in Almia Castle or Oil Field Hideout.
Gengar can only be obtained by trading a Haunter.
Evolve a gastly that you can catch in the sprout tower
There's a 30% chance you can catch a level 19 Haunter in the grass on Route 8 at night. You can also catch level 16 or 17 Haunter in the forest region of the Johto Safari Zone at night.
There is no place that you can catch a Gengar and he can only be obtained by evolving Haunter via trade.