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Gengar can only be obtained by trading a Haunter.

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Q: How do you catch gengar in Pokemon Yellow?
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Where to catch gengar in Pokemon Red?

There is no place that you can catch a Gengar and he can only be obtained by evolving Haunter via trade.

How do you catch a gengar on Pokemon black?

You'll need to trade for a Haunter or a Gengar in the GTS or from someone.

Where do you catch Gengar in Pokemon diamnd?

You cant. You have to catch a gastly then envolve it to haunter then trade with someone and trade back haunter will envolve to gengar!

Can you catch a Gengar with a new leaf green and Pokemon diamond?

you can't catch a gengar. you catch a haunter then trade it so it evolves. make sure its not holding an everstone. ;)

Where to catch a Gengar in Pokemon SoulSilver?

evolve it by trading it with another player

How do you catch Gengar that's in the the old chateu and is hidden in the portrait with the red eyes in Pokemon diamond?

You cant catch Gengar in there, only Gastly and the Rotom in the tv.

Can you get Gengar in Pokemon Yellow without a Gameshark or another Pokemon game?

if you find a gastly in lavender tower after you get silph scope you can find a gastly and catch it and it will level up evolve into haunter then level it up and it evolves into gengar! wrong! the correct way is to catch gastly in lavender town in the place with all the graves. then evolve it into haunter (i think at lvl 22, but im not sure) then trade it and it evolves, then you can trade it back and you have gengar.

Can you catch evee in Pokemon Yellow?

no you can not catch evee in pokemon yellow but someone will give it to you

Where will you catch Gengar in Pokemon Fire Red?

Gengar is never a wild Pokémon and therefore is not catchable. The only way you can obtain it is to trade a Haunter.

How do you catch genagr in FireRed?

You can't in order to get a gengar go to the Pokemon tower in lavender town and catch a ghastly then trade it to a friend or another gba and trade it back so it will evolve into a Gengar.

How do you get Pokemon gangar on FireRed?

You cant catch it. You can catch a gastly, raise it into a haunter. to make it a gengar, you have to trade it and trade it back

Where do you trade for Gengar In Pokemon Yellow?

You have to trade with a friend at a pokemon center. I suggest trading kadabra for hunter. They will both evolve.