i catch them with poke'balls,ultra balls,time balls,premeir balls,all kinds,but that's me....................
To catch a mightyena get a level.20 0r .15 Pokemon and catch poocheyena then give it exp. share go to the lilycove city and go left and there you will see trainers defeat them you get it to lv. 20 and there!you have that Pokemon.
yes you just have to level it up again
There is no place where you can catch a level 100 pokemon unless you use some cheat device. (Such as an action replay)
you have to either catch a legendary or raise a Pokemon
Victory Road has fairly high level Pokemon in it
You can't catch it in the wild. You need to have a male Burmy and evolve it at level 20.
The fastest Pokemon you can get is ninjask catch a nincada train it to level 20 and it will become ninjask.
You cannot catch level 99 pokemon. You have to catch them and level them up yourself.
Actually you can only catch sentret just train it to level 20 and it will become a furret.
To catch a mightyena get a level.20 0r .15 Pokemon and catch poocheyena then give it exp. share go to the lilycove city and go left and there you will see trainers defeat them you get it to lv. 20 and there!you have that Pokemon.
The highest level Pokemon you can catch is a level 70 Mewtwo.
"technically" it evolves at level 20 on all Pokemon games, but since you catch it at level 22 on Pokemon xd, it should evolve at the next level up after purifying it.
You'll need to evolve Burmy when it is female at level 20.
Catch a Nincada below Level 20. Let this Pokemon hold a pokeball. *MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE AN OPEN SPOT IN YOUR PARTY*. Train the Nincada to level 20, and it will then evolve into Ninjask. When the evolution is over, just look in your party, and you have a Ninjask Level 20 and a Shedinja Level 20
Level 100 Pokemon do not naturally appear in the wild in Pokemon, so you cannot catch them without cheating.
Level 100
yes you just have to level it up again