Sheildon is a sinnoh Pokemon.
Sinnoh came out after Hoenn, so, sorry... you can't catch it in ruby (or Red, Blue, Green, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen, Or any fake Pokemon games that came out before 2007)
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.
you cant catch kyogre in ruby. But you can catch it in sapphire and emerald. whats a vba?
No you can't catch darkrai in ruby unless you hack (witch i do not recommend)
NO (only on ruby)
Brock does catch a shieldon but later in the series.
You have to get an Armor Fossil from the Underground, but you can only get Shieldon if the last number of your ID is even.
You can get a Shieldon from reviving the pokemon from the armor fossil. Shieldon evolves into Bastiodon at level 30. The Armor fossil be found underground using the mining pick.
shieldon-fossil palkia-spear pillar
Revived from Armor Fossil (Pearl only)
In undergrounds, you have to get underground kit then, kind it in the undergrounds in wall.
You can't catch Zekrom in Ruby version.
you cant catch a man in Pokemon ruby
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.
It's Spelled Kyogre, And In Ruby, You Can't Catch It, You Have To Trade.
no you can catch a charizard in pokemon ruby you can get it as a kanto starter
you cant catch kyogre in ruby. But you can catch it in sapphire and emerald. whats a vba?