You can use a cheat device like an action replay and hack it or you can get it using a event. but if you don't want to cheat or wait for a event you can go on certain websites and trade with people they will trade for just about anything :)
You can only get with action replay or an event. its hard I'm not a expert but your pose to get a ticket from wireless ports sotry doing that connect to a wireless person in the Pokemon center You can´t catch it in hg or ss, but you can trade it from a gameboy game if you have deoxys on it, to do this you need a ds lite or ds but not a dsi or dsixl as they don´t have a gameboy slot at the bottm. You cannot catch Deoxys in HGSS. Either hack or trade. deoxys is a new Pokemon you can not catch him.Hacking and migrating a (hacked) event one from emerald
migrate via ds or ds lite. then go to pal park to catch the ones you migrated
insere Sapphire gba in your ds and go to iron island 1st floor.
Catch a female wurmple Or if you have Pokemon ruby (gameboy game) then just plug that in to your DS when you play Pokemon platinum. Go to route 205 Eterna Forest and cascoon will have an increased chance of appearing.
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Platinum which are the newest versions on the DS until the newer ones you catch Rotom after you get the national pokedex. Then you can transform him into different types.
hey hi ho
You can catch it on Route 224, but you have to put Pokemon Emerald in your DS!
You have to catch a bunch of weak Pokemon in soulsilver and trade them with your Pokemon in Platinum. Also you need 2 ds and trade in the ds wireless communication room.
you must have a certain event from Pokemon box and you get deoxys from that then you have to trade it over or transfer it over and then you have to put your Pokemon fire red or leaf green into your ds and transfer it to pal park and then go catch it.
You can only get with action replay or an event. its hard I'm not a expert but your pose to get a ticket from wireless ports sotry doing that connect to a wireless person in the Pokemon center You can´t catch it in hg or ss, but you can trade it from a gameboy game if you have deoxys on it, to do this you need a ds lite or ds but not a dsi or dsixl as they don´t have a gameboy slot at the bottm. You cannot catch Deoxys in HGSS. Either hack or trade. deoxys is a new Pokemon you can not catch him.Hacking and migrating a (hacked) event one from emerald
You can't catch Ivysaur in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. But you can mirage it into the Pal Park from the older GBA games into the DS.
dependind on what system you are using (ds or Pc) you would have to use trading (ds)or cheats which are easier (pc)
if you have a ds and had a gameboy advance Pokemon game you can deposit the Pokemon into palpark then catch them in a catching game.Sometimes depends what game you have you can catch kanto and hoenn Pokemon but not a lot of them.
You can catch one in route 209 and route 214 if you have Pokemon leafgreen inserted in the gba slot of your DS.
migrate via ds or ds lite. then go to pal park to catch the ones you migrated
Yes. You can find it at Pastoria City side of Route 212 (after you get the National Pokedex, insert Pokemon Sapphire into the Nintendo Ds's GBA Cartridge slot). This is the only way you can catch Lombre on Pokemon platinum, sorry:/
blabla bla bla bla there happy