You'll need to go into Mistralton Cave and somewhere in the far back. (Requires going upstairs, and plus Surf, and Flash.) I can't remember the direction, but I hope someone else does to help you out.
You can catch the main white legendary, Kyrugem, Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion, Thunderous, Victini, Zorua, Zoroark, Volcarona, and Landorus.
you catch cobalion
Mistralton cave on route 6.
Leave and return to the cave and Cobalion will have returned. So then you may capture it. I suggest Timer Balls.
Did you already catch Cobalion? it is impossible to catch virizion until you have caught cobalion. I'm not sure what happens if you faint good luck
You can catch it in Pinwheel Forest. But you must first encounter Cobalion in Mistralton Cave to encounter it in Pinwheel Forest.
Tornadus, Landorous, Reshiram, Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion, Kyurem, and Victini .
In Mistrilation Cave [dont know if i spelled it right]. hop i helped
Tornadus, Landorous, Reshiram, Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion, Kyurem, and Victini.
First you have to catch Cobalion in the Challengers cave and then you go to Pinwheel Forest. In the east there is a passage to a small field and Virizion is there.
You have to defeat the Elite Four again to catch Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion.
You can catch the main white legendary, Kyrugem, Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion, Thunderous, Victini, Zorua, Zoroark, Volcarona, and Landorus.
In Mistralton Cave
Reshiram Kyurem Keldeo Victini Virizion Cobalion Terrakion Meloetta Genesect Tornadus Landorus :3
yes. you can catch all cobalion, virizion, and terrakion in pokemon black, black2 white, and white2. virizion is in pinwheel forest where there is an opening on the right of the bridge, terrakion is in victory road @ the end (you have to have a pokemon that knows strength), and cobalion is in mistralton cave (all the way in the back)
first you get cobalion then go to victory road and look for a cave entrance near the exit GOOD LUCK