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you catch cobalion

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Q: How do you move those round grey rocks in Pokemon white?
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How do you move mini rocks in Pokemon white?

if it is not breakable it cant be moved

How do you smash rocks in Pokemon white version?

You use the Rock Smash TM

Can you trade Pokemon Flygon which is a older Pokemon from Pokemon black or white version to Pokemon platinum version?

No. Pokemon can't be traded from Black/White to older games at all, even if those pokemon existed in those older games.

Where do get hoenn pass at in Pokemon White?

You can't get an Hoenn Pass in Pokemon White or Black. It isn't in those versions.

Which Pokemon can breed with crustle in Pokemon white?

ditto or mew, any of those

What to do when you get the three orbs from gethis' servants in Pokemon white?

you don't have to to anything with the orbs. They only give you the orbs so if you transfer those legendary Pokemon to Pokemon black or white you can give those legendary Pokemon the orbs.

Which Pokemon on Pokemon White does not appear in Pokemon black?

Solosis Duosion Reuniclus Rufflet Briaviary Petilil Lilligant Thundurus Zekrom Those Pokemon are exclusive to Pokemon White

What ghost Pokemon are in black and white?

the ghost Pokemon in black and white are Frillish, Jellicent, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Yamask, Golett, Golurk those are the only ghost type Pokemon in Pokemon black and white.

How do you break the rocks in Pokemon white?

If you're talking about the small, rugged rocks, then I don't think you can. The only rocks I know you CAN move/break are the huge boulders made for Strength.

What type of Pokemon is Hydreigon?

Hydreigon is a 5th generation pokemon that first appeared in Pokemon Black and White as well as the sequels.Hydregion was first introduced in Pokemon Black and White. It has appeared in Pokemon games released after, so it's not exclusive to those games.

Are there cheat codes for Pokemon White?

I think they have made cheats for generation V I dont know if its specifically pokemon white that those cheats are for, I suggest searching: "pokemon white (enter what cheat you want) cheats.

What to do after you beat the Pokemon league the second time round in Pokemon Black and white?

They keep getting stronger each time you challenge them. at least that's what They do in Pokemon black.