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give him pills

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Q: How do you capture the Mental Institution Escapee in Stick RPG 2?
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Where do you get the bacon flavored narwhal in stick rpg2?

You give the king of the wing 3 chicken wings from Joe's pizza. The king of the wing is at Skye's bar in the night. The bacon flavored narwhal heals any of the mental institution escapees. Once healed, they give you $600.

How is the stigma of the flower adapted to capture and hold pollen?

it is stick so therefore it holds the pollen in place.

Which is the most realistic goal for attaining and maintaining mental and emotional health?

Set a goal for myself and stick to it no matter what.

Which structure is where pollen grains land and stick?

The structure where pollen grains land and stick is the stigma of a flower. The stigma is the uppermost part of the pistil, and its sticky surface helps to capture and hold pollen grains for fertilization.

How do you write an acrostic poem for a walking stick?

To write an acrostic poem for a walking stick, you can start by writing the word "walking stick" vertically down the left side of the page. Then, begin each line with a word or phrase that starts with the corresponding letter to create a poem that describes or relates to a walking stick. Let your creativity flow to capture the essence of a walking stick in each line of the poem.

How do you capture a siren in invizimals-sony psp?

Hold R and use the directional buttons or the analog stick to make the bait go into the middle. Just wait for the Siren to stop near it then when it bites hold the R button and rotate the analog stick. Done

How does frog ingestion?

Ingestion is the process of getting food into an animals mouth. Various frogs feed in different ways. Some have long and stick tongues, which they shoot out at prey to capture it at a distance. Other frogs capture by simple ambush. Frogs then have a series of maxillary teeth to grind food for swallowing.

How do glow sticks capture light?

Glow sticks contain a chemical solution that undergoes a chemical reaction when mixed with another chemical found in the stick. This reaction releases energy in the form of light, producing the glow. The stick also contains a fluorescent dye that helps to create the different colors we see.

What are stick insects known as?

Stick insects, also know by the more formal name Phasmatodea, or more commonly known as walking sticks or ghost bugs. These bugs use both natural camouflage to evade predators, but can also shed and regenerate a limb if necessary to evade capture.

How do you capture a mouse?

An empty box, propped up on a stick, with a string attached, and a little delicious snack inside. Haven't you ever seen any cartoons? Then wait and wait, patient as can be till the mouse creeps out for a snack, whip the stick away, and the mouse is under the box. Now slide a firm piece of card under the box so you can pick it up easily. There are Live Capture devices available in the Hardware shop so you do not have to use poison or traps anymore.

How do you get totodile in Pokemon Gold?

You can get it as a starter. If you aren't satisfied with one Totodile, capture a Ditto and stick them in the daycare center for a while, and get an egg. Ditto's are most commonly found on route 35. Hope i helped!

How do you eat applesauce with a fork?

Well, u simply stick it in your mouth and chew it and then swallow....if u find that hard to follow then i suggest u seek serious mental help...