NO, a PSP's memory stick is a memory stick pro duo. A dsi's is a sanDisk
A 32 GB memory stick should hold around 7,000 songs or 40 hours of continuous video.
Yes, they can fit.DS/DS Lite Slot-1 games are exactly the same as DSi Slot-1 games, but Gameboy Advance (GBA) games are not supported by the console.Important:Any Nintendo DS game which requires an addon that uses the GBA slot, is not supported on the Nintendo DSi (eg. DS Lite internet browser or Guitar Hero: On Tour)Note:Because of the above reason, do not sell your Nintendo DS Lite if you intend to play Guitar Hero On Tour. :)
yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi
no u cant a dsi cant fit in a ds case i tried a dsi is bigger than a ds
No, the dsi charger plug in on the dsi is a rectangle when the ds is a line its to long it will not fit
No, only SD cards will fit in the NDSi SD slot
That is correct. The DSi does not have a slot-2, so is incompatible with Guitar Hero, the Rumble Pak, and anything that requires the slot-2 memory expansion.
No, it doesn't fit into the slot.
maby your cable doesnt work. try getting a memory stick converter that will fit into a sd slot
'Memory Stick' is a proprietary technology developed by Sony, and the Memory Stick cards will not fit into any device that isn't specially adapted to use them, namely Sony products. There is practically no chance that they will work on a regular printer, which will have a slot for 'SD' memory cards only.
The microSD memory card slot supports up to 16GB
Depends on weather the memory stick is formatted or not as formatting takes up space on the memory stick, Formatting is essential for you stick to work on your operating system :)
Yes it will.
only SanDisk SDMMC cards will fit
1KB = 1024Bytes So 36000 x 1024 = 36864000 or 36.864MB Your answer is yes it will easily fit on a 60.5MB memory stick.
It would depend on which accessory you are trying to use. -A DS Lite stylus will fit in the DSi's stylus slot; The difference is the DSi's is only a little longer. -The DS Lite charger will not work with the DSi. This should be obvious that the DSi's, likewise, will not work with the DS Lite. -Personally, I wouldn't get a screen protector for my DSi that was made for the Lite, as you probably know the screens are somewhat larger as well. -Last note, any accessories that need a Game Boy Advance slot, such as the Guitar Hero grip thing, will not work in the DSi, because Nintendo dropped the Game Boy Advance slot on the bottom of the DSi. This also means features like Pal Park, for Pokemon games, won't work unless done with a DS, or DS Lite. the DSi and DS lite are different in size. How can their accessory fit each other?