You try to get Dialga to low Hp and use many pokeballs/ great balls / ultra balls to try to catch it. It help if Dialga has a status problem such as being asleep or paralizes.
some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia
free dialga free dialga free dialga ????????????????????????????what do you mean free dialga???????????????????????
You can't catch Dialga in Pokemon White. After you beat the the Elite 4, you can use the PokeTransfer to receive a Dialga from Pokemon Diamond, or Platnium.
i have a dialga that i used a master ball to capture.............
Capture palkia in peral, dialga in diamond, and giritina in platnium
you capure palkia at the spear pillar in mt.cornet, if you want to capure dialga you go to the same place in Pokemon diamond version.
save sinnoh from a disaster by defeating team galactic and capture dialga
go to top of mt. coronet capture dialga go to sunyshore city and you can get in
no, dialga is in pokemon diamond. PALKIA is the one in pokemon pearl
In Diamond and Platinum, Dialga is in Spear Pillar. If you want to get Dialga in Pearl, trade Dialga from Diamond.
some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia
The rarest Pokemon is Dialga
You cannot get Primal Dialga in Pokemon Diamond, only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness.