You can't buy an adult pet. but you can adopt one from pet trader. its a white hospital shaped building at the bottom of the happy pets screen, when you find a pet on there you click adopt and then wait 24 hours to receive it for free. or using facebook credits you can get it instantly
If you have the game for any game - Gamecube, PS2, DS, or even PC... The answer is YES! The only way to do this is to buy a Pet House (Which you can buy in the Pets section of the catologue) and put it on your lot. Then, you need a pet (yours) and another of the opposite gender. The second pet can be yours or someone else's, but it CANNNOT be related to the first pet. Then, be one of your sims, and click on your cat (or dog) and click on "Special." You will find the option availible, then your pet will Accept or Refuse. If they accept, they will go up to the second pet and ask them permission and all. If both pets accept, they will go into the Pet House together.... and after a while they will both come out. Then, a basket will fall from the sky with a kitten or puppy! Happy Simming!
You buy a puffle in the pet shop and click on the books. You have to be a member
No, you can't kill it but you can sell it at Town Square. You can also buy new pets there.
A pet shop owner is someone that keeps an update daily on there own shop and puts pets in it so people can buy them
You can either get it from your friends or buy it yourself at the pet store
You can go buy a pet at your local pet store.
Ether pay real money to buy the big pets or breed with a neighbor that has a giant pet and hope for giant babies. Also you can get giant pets from your neighbors if they put them in the pet trader, however you can't tell if they're big or not so it's a gamble.
how do you do insta grow on happy pets
Pet stores, including Pet Smart, do not rent out pets. You can only buy them.
you click on the pet or object you may want and then a page saying buy you're own money will appear then you can buy the money on a credit card
Pet Pet Park is in Neopets world where your Neopets can play and buy their own pets.
You can Adopt a pet from the pound. was developed with the pet lover in mind. They view pets as members of the family, so they provide customers with products and services that can ensure their beloved pet will enjoy a happy, healthy life.
You can't buy clothes for pets or fantasy pets on Ubi World.