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Well, I'm only 12 and i know everything about Sims , so when to try to bring aSim back to life, at the right time when you put your mouse on the Grim Reaper it wont turn the mouse grey so you can click him and press Plead For Loved One and if that doesn't work , just don't save and go back on your family.


For a 50% of you Sims living use husband or wife to bail any Sim out.

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Q: How do you bring a sim on sims 2 back to life?
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get a life and stop playing sims

Can you bring back a dead non controllable sim?

For the sims 2, yes.

How do you bring a sim back to life in The Sims 2 nightlife?

two ways 1.} Insinerator which is a mod OR 2.} Install sims 2 university and unlock the paranormal career reward which u can use to bring ur sims back from the dead by paying the grim reaper money (if you want your sim/s back in one piece pay 4500-5000 simloans)

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The gravestone appears when one of the sims has died. When you find the gravestone pick up the death daisy to make a potion to bring the sim back to life.

Sims 2 My sim died and I moved in a new family and used the ressurect-o-nomitron and genie lamp but it said I didn't know any dead sims and the grave is on the lot How do I bring her back to life?

The sim can only be brought back to life by someone who knew her. If she was friends with a townie or another one of your characters, have THEM move into the house and resurrect your sim.

How do you bring a sim back to life in sims castaway stories?

easy make an other sim kill them and when grim reaper shows click on him and press plead for loved one hope this helps :)

How do you revive your sims on sims 2?

Well if your Sim dies but i mean just like from a fire, drown the pool, electrocuted, or starves. Then if a sim either loves that Sim that died you can click on the grim reaper and it will say Plead for loved one and the grim reaper will make this glowing ball/orb its something i have no clue on what it is, but the point is if your sim guess which hand it is in then he will bring your sims back to life.

Can you bring your sim back from the dead in sims 3 supernatural?

Yes, with the expansion pack, Supernatural, you can bring sims back from the dead. Only a witch can perform the ritual and at first, the sim will come back as a zombie. You must then concoct the potion that cures Sims of zombification, or you can use the Sunlight Charm on the Zombie to cure the zombification however only witches can perform this.

How do you get your child back on sims life stories?

just click at your sim and call for adoption

What can you do if your adult sim dies on sims 3 and it keeps sending you back to the main menu?

You make a new account or bringnyour sim back to life