heart gold or soul silver
you need a ditto any level and your starter any level then give it to the day care lady and bicycle around and the day care will phone you then go to the old man outside the day care and talk to him and he will give you a egg
You can just breed your starter Pokemon with a ditto to get a egg of your starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen or firered then trade them.
After you beat the elite four go to the fossil maniacs house and go into his cave he should be finished digging go into the extension of the cave and catch a ditto put the ditto and starter pokemon in the daycare and that is how you breed starter
you carn't! you can only get it through starter pokemon. trade it OR breed a empoleon or prinplup
No, you can't get Pichu as a Starter. But you can breed a Pikachu with a Ditto at the Four Island Daycare to get one, but you have to beat the game in order to do that.
You cant Actually, you can. Just do one of these: 1. Trade on the GTS 2. Ask your friend to breed theirs, and give you the egg or start your adventure get your first starter trade it and do this one more time to get all the starter Pokemon
Yes. You can breed all the starter Pokemon if you want to.
yes but he cant breed with legandaries sadly :'(
breed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratiniAnswerbreed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratini
Just breed your starter (It SHALL be a girl, with one of the same egggroup -_-' Or you can breed a Pokemon (No matter what gender is it, just do it!) with a Ditto, and then you will get a egg by the starter!
you can't breed your starter pokemon cauz they are like the legandary pokemoni
You can just breed your starter Pokemon with a ditto to get a egg of your starter Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen or firered then trade them.
yes, breed with a ditto, or another Pokemon in that group
Yes. with anyone on they're egg group. if you wish to get the started, breed with ditto.
Breed a female starter
You can. You have to trade it from Pokemon g/s/c.
You could breed them by getting a ditto or trade for them.