You can only breed either prinplup or empoleon if you want another piplup and breed it with ditto to get the piplup.
breed a ditto with a piplup, a prinplup, or an empoleon. or breed 2 piplup, prinplup, or empoleon.
Breed you Piplup, get one through a trade (ex: from a friend trade or requesting it through the GTS), or cheat.
yes just breed a female piplup, prinplup, or empoleon with another male Pokemon in its breeding group. I think they are group Water 1 so bidoof, buizel, marill and others can be breed with it to make piplulp eggs
you carn't! you can only get it through starter pokemon. trade it OR breed a empoleon or prinplup
Breed your piplup with a ditto. Or breed a femle piplup with another Pokemon from the same egg group as piplup.
breed a ditto with a piplup, a prinplup, or an empoleon. or breed 2 piplup, prinplup, or empoleon.
Yes, Piplup can breed with other Piplup, Prinplup and Empoleon as long it's of the opposite gender. It can also breed with Ditto and with any Pokémon from the Water 1 and Field egg-groups.
well it truns out you cant cach it you can breed it get a dito and a piplup and go to day care and wait
Breed you Piplup, get one through a trade (ex: from a friend trade or requesting it through the GTS), or cheat.
Go to Route 5
You can use a AR code or if you know anyone who has diamond/pearl/platinum who picked piplup have them breed it or clone it & trade it to you.
yes just breed a female piplup, prinplup, or empoleon with another male Pokemon in its breeding group. I think they are group Water 1 so bidoof, buizel, marill and others can be breed with it to make piplulp eggs
The only way to obtain it is to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. Once you have it in you game, you can breed it.
you carn't! you can only get it through starter pokemon. trade it OR breed a empoleon or prinplup
1.Get it at the beginning of the game. 2.Get someone to trade you a piplup 3.Use an Action Replay/Gameshark and find a trainer with a piplup and catch it using catch trainers Pokemon code.(Not really recommended...But it is a choise..?)