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Im afraid you cant without cheats or hacks :( no legendary Pokemon is breedable.

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Q: How do you breed a Cresselia?
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Can you breed creselia?

You cannot breed Cresselia. Cresselia is a legendary Pokemon, and you cannot breed a legendary Pokemon.

Can Cresselia breed with ditto?

sadly, no. legendaries cant breed.

Can you breed cressilia with a Pokemon like a boy dusclops?

No, you can't breed Cresselia with a boy Dusclops. Cresselia can't breed with any Pokémon at all.

Can shaymin breed?

no because no real legendary can breed. cresselia can its female

Can you breed Cresselia with ditto?

sadly, no. legendaries cannot breed unless you use a cheat. :)

How do you get a Cresselia to breed in Pokemon Diamond?

see the problem is that SUPPOSEDLY all ledgandarys are not a boy or girl and if they are then they arnt a ledgandary (according to my brother ) but also see the problem that cresselia is a girl and you can only catch one cresellia so the only way that you can breed it is with a ditto , and i am sure that the makers of Pokemon would not let you have a full team of cresselias or that would be " cheating " so if you where to breed a cresselia with a ditto then im also sure that the makers of Pokemon would probably make it takes weeks to make a cresselia egg so that you don't get a full team of cresselia's so quickly but they could have just said NO BREEDING LEDGANDARYS full stop so that you can never breed a ledgandary so the answer to your question is probably no send me a message if that was helpful ;) Comment: I managed to breed a Ditto with my Cresselia, and got an egg fairly quickly. The hatching took a long time, though, but it is possible.

Who can mate with Cresselia?

I don't think anyone can mate with Cresselia, because she's a legendary pokemon. And I'm pretty sure legendaries can't breed with any other pokemon.

What legendary Pokemon are breedable on Pokemon Diamond?

the only legendary Pokemon that can breed is manaphy with ditto which you will get a phione that cannot evolve. Hope this helped. Pokemaster Mike!

Which Pokemon can breed with cressilia?

ditto is probably the only Pokemon that can breed with cresselia they are really rare to find in sinnoh so the best way is to go get a ditto from heart gold or soul silver

What Pokemon can mate with hippopatas?

hippopatas of the opposite gender hippowdon of the opposite gender or ditto note- ditto can breed with almost every Pokemon except legendarys and heatran cresselia rotom and no heatran cresselia and rotom are not legendarys rrod54 the true Pokemon master

Cresselia dreams in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

After a little while into the post game, Cresselia starts appearing into your dreams or at least Darkrai is. He was pretending to be Cresselia. Cresselia is really good, but the Cresselia in the dreams are Darkrai's doing.

Can heatran breed with Ditto?

No, actually I tried that and it didn't work even though Heatran has a gender. You can't breed any legendary poke'mon except for Manaphy which gives you a Phione. you can use action replay Ya I tried you cant breed heatran with ditto, or at least not a male heatran. No,even if it has gender it can't breed.Well,Heatran and Cresselia are legendaries alright,but not Rotom.Rotom CAN breed,if you have a Ditto. Here is proof they are legendaries/not: Rotom: Cresselia: Heatran: and Latias can't breed too.