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do u mean vampire because i do not know it

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Q: How do you become a werewolf on the Sims 3 Wii?
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Can What if your Sim Become A Werewolf On The Sims 3?

You can't become a werewolf on The Sims 3 yet OK.

Can you become a werewolf on sims 3?

No only in sims 2

Can you become a werewolf in sIms 3 generations?

No, you need The Sims 3 Supernatural expansion.

Can you become a werewolf in sims 3 ambitions for iPod?

No, you can't.

How can you become a werewolf in sims 3 pets?

You can't. Surprisingly enough, its not in it. They just have unicorns.

Can you turn your sims into a werewolf or vampire in The Sims 3?

At the moment you can't turn into a Werewolf but with Sims 3 Night Life you can be turned into a vampire!!but when the new Supernatural expansion pack comes out September 6th, you can become a werewolf, fairy, witch, and apparently a more 'scary' vampire.******* hope this helped!

Will there be wolves in Sims 3?

In the sims 3 pets your sim can be a werewolf.

Will The Sims 3 be on the Wii?

The sims 3 is on the wii now Hope this helped

Will thee Sims 3 be on Wii?

There is a sims 3 on wii, lol :P

When is the Sims 3 on Wii?

The Sims 3 for Wii is already in stores. I have it myself for the Wii. It is a very fun game!

Is there pregnantcy on Sims 3?

yes, you can become pregnant/ have kids on Sims 3. but that's on the PC I'm not sure about the rest of the Sims (ex. wii, ipods, iphones)

Is Sims 3 world adventures on Wii?

No the sims 3 World Adventures is not on the Wii, unfortunetly.