

Best Answer

to be come one of us you must pass a series of tests to determine if you are worthy than you begin to than in the arts of sword, hand to hand , poison, bow, chain weapons, throwing weapons, evasion and zen

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Q: How do you become a ninja with a blue belt?
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What do you do when your a black belt on Club Penguin?

You go to sensai and beat him to become a ninja!

On Club Penguin can you beat Sensei if your brown belt?

No, you can only beat Sensei if you are a black belt and have faced him 5-8 times. You can, but it maybe a glitch, I beat sensei at Brown belt, but i did NOT become a ninja.

How do you get to the secret dojo on club penguin?

To get to the secret dojo, you have to be a black belt, challenge sensei (beat him), and you will become a ninja. Once you beat him he will give you a ninja mask and tell you where the secret dojo is.

What happens after you become a ninja in club penguin?

Once you become a ninja you get a ninja mask and gain entrance to the ninja hideout. Once you are at the ninja hideout you can buy ninja clothing and furniture, train to become a fire ninja or a water ninja. Or just play other ninjas in regular card-jitsu.

How do you become invisible on Club Penguin?

Becoming Invisible on Club PenguinYou must first of all be a member, and then become a ninja with a black belt and go to the Hideout. There you will be able to buy the cloud wave bracers and the ninja outfit; together they cost 1,250. Once you wear both, Wave and you will be invisible just like the air. This feature may only be for members - players who pay money to subscribe to Club Penguin.The steps explained:To get the black belt, you must become a ninja by becoming a white belt, then yellow, then orange, then green, then blue, then red, then purple, then brown, then black. Once you become a black belt, you have to challenge the Sensei and win. And, if you win, the Sensei will give you your ninja mask; when he does that, he will finally announce that you are a ninja.After that, go to the Dojo Courtyard. See that wall with the symbols on it? Put your mouse over it. After that, a door will appear behind it. Go there. Now you are in the Ninja Hideout. See the book in the bottom-right corner above the cards that says "Martial Artworks"? Click on it. The Martial Arts catalog will now pop up. Then, go to the first page that says Ninja Outfit for 1000 coins. Click on the BUY icon below the picture of the ninja suit. Then, this thing saying "Would you like to buy ninja outfit for 1000 coins?" will pop up. Click on YES. The ninja suit will now be in your inventory. Put it on. You must also buy the cloud wave bracers for 250 coins. After you put on both items, dance. You will now be invisible!Note:When you turn invisible, your silhouette will still show.

Related questions

What level do you be a blue belt in ninja warz?

level 21

What happens when you get postcard from sensei?

It's usually when something special happens, like when you become a ninja or when Card Jitsu Fire comes out. I got one: I became a blue belt/ninja, when Card Jitsu fire came out, when they made the Ninja Hideout.

What level do you become a black belt in ninja warz?

Level 31 is your first black belt

If you were a ninja on club penguin and then you wern't how would you be a ninja again?

you have to be a black belt and then challenge Sensei again to become a ninja again

How do you get your beak black on Club Penguin?

become a ninja and than you buy the ninja costume (requires a membership)

How do you become a ninja on cp?

you have to vs sensei and get the black belt and win

Is there a cheat to become a ninja?

No. You must get to black belt and beat Sensei.

How do you become a ninja on clubpenguin with a white belt only?

I say you should check on google. Or Or . Write down How to become a ninja on clubpenguin

Can you be a ice ninja on club penguin?

Well first you need to become a black belt how you do that is play against other penguins until you get the black belt and you can tell when your about to become a black belt by clicking the 3 little cards on the bottom right hand corner of your screen and it will tell you how long until you get your net belt. When you get your black belt you go to the sensei click sensei mode and play against him. You want to try to pick the same card everytime and after about 7 tries he gets confused and you win a card. After about 15 or more tries you finally beat the sensei and he gives you the ninja blindfold and you have acsess to the ninja hideout. Hope this helped!

How do you be a black belt on Club Penguin?

You keep playing Card Jitsu in the Dojo. When you get to black belt, challenge the Sensei. If you win, he will make you become a ninja and you will get a ninja hideout!

Can somebody turn invisible?

Yes they can, but you have to be a black belt and you have to be a ninja. I think you have to dance with your ninja mask on in the Ninja Hideout to become invisible. Good Luck!

Do you have to be a member to get into the ninja hideout on club penguin?

no but you need to become a black belt