Using ground or grass type really helps. If you have a pokémon with earthquake as well then you're good to go.
you go to sunyshore city and beat that gym leader
you go to sunyshore city and beat the gym leader
beat all gyms or cheat with ar ds
You will need to defeat Volkner, the Sunyshore City Gym Leader.
You have to have defeated the seventh gym leader in Snowpoint city
You try to go to sunyshore city
you go to sunyshore city and beat that gym leader
you must talk to him in the lighthouse, in sunyshore then you can go in
you go to sunyshore city and beat the gym leader
use ground type
beat all gyms or cheat with ar ds
His name is Volkner and he is the gym leader of Sunyshore. To get to Sunyshore travel to the right of Pastoria and lake Valor.
gym leader volkner in sunyshore city
In sunyshore city
tecnically in sunyshore or other city, but then you need to beat the elite 4 in the pokemon league, past that city.
the gym leader volkner uses electric Pokemon
The Sunyshore City Gym Leader can be found in the city's Lighthouse.