you have to use a water-type Pokemon and keep using hydropump/surf/bubblebeam
Beat the game and all the characters. Once you do that it will say inferno is now playable.
you cant beat the battle tower
first beat elite four and go on maps then u will find golden Pokemon
keep hitting her until you beat her that is what i did for TPPC Pokemon cheats
beating inferno tower
in it's tower to get it beat it's tower it's tough
If you want Mewtwo go to mewtwos lair. If you want lugia beat Whirpool towe. If you want Ho-oh beat Inferno Tower and if you want Celebi beat Mystical Forest. If you want Raikou,Suicune or Entei beat The TPPC Legend. If you want Darkrai beat Battle fronteir #6. If you want Regirock,Regice and/or Registeel start your Regi Quest. If you want Rayquaza beat your regi quest and then beat Regi Tower. Hope I helped! :D
you get it at Lavender Tower but it is not the real one. U have to get a sliph scope. U beat the rougue guy and u get it. That's how you get it
well i would look for type differences and battle the tower. make sure you have very tough Pokemon and the all are about the same level. hope this helps.
you need to beat though trainer
bt the whirlpool tower and get the lvl 125 lugia
Simple, just get a Pokemon that's at the level requirement and set it up with the move: Doublekick and just keep using it on the Pokemon in the Baby Tower and you'll eventually win and get a levl 125 baby Pokemon ^^
you first click on tppc legend and find the guy. then beat him in the battle and he'll give you 1/3 rare pokemon.
get strong Pokemon for 1 thing
beat the baby tower to do this make all your Pokemon level 5 and set moves to doublekick you will get a RANDOM baby Pokemon one of which is riolu if you don't get it first time keep on trying
Answer Improved By: PokeHelp 101 That last answer is a total scam. I just found this question. You deserve the real answer. 1. Beat the Rogue Trainer (Must be in a faction). 2. He will give you the silph scope. 3. Once you have that, attach it to the Pokemon in your first slot. 4. Beat the Lavender Tower which is now the real tower. 5. Reward: Giratina You can do this multiple times!