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Grow "heal up" is Grow Nano 3.

1. leaf 2. blanket 3. wife 4. fire 5. ice 6. vegetables

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Q: How do you beat the game grow heal up?
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you grow up and get a life :)

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How do you beat Webkinz?

Nintendogs is a game that you cannot beat. Nintendogs goes on and one forever, until you are bored with it. Your dogs never grow up either, so that destroys the point of using a cheat code to make them grow.

Where did The Game grow up?

he grew up in cali

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Poptropica is a kid-friendly game, and therefore cannot beat up people.

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A beat 'em up is a video game orientated around interpersonal contact, such as martial arts.

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The first Sims game

Where did rapper the game grow up?

The Game Grew Up On The West Side Of Compton, California

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Heal up at a Local Pokemon center

How do you get the TM fly in pearl?

You need to defeat the gym leader before you can get it. After you beat Maylene (The Gym Leader) heal at the Pokemon center (this is optional but I suggest you do). After you heal at the Pokemon center go to the Galactic Warehouse (you will see it when you get to Veilstone City) and team up with Dawn or Lucas and beat the Galactic Grunts and go in the warehouse and pick up HM02!

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If you loose a tooth that will not grow back it will just heal up over time like if you were to remove wisdom teeth, but it never hurts to ask your dentest

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You play the game... That is how you beat it... play and dont give up.