See question "Is this a good team to beat the elite four"'s answer.
you have to beat the elite four twice
You get access to four, five, six and seven island :)
Nothing. Don't waste your time.
nothing really, you can keep fighting them
swampert, groudon, blastoise, glalie, latios, and feraligator
Just include Pokemon that can beat the elite four like Raichu, and Alakazam, Gengar, Dewgong and many more.
You beat all the gym leaders then the elite four
he stays in the elite four as champion
all of em ...................................................I'll give you the perfect team i'd do blastoise,zapdos,dragonite,alakazam,gengar,and rhydon.p.s. you'got pretty good Pokemon
See question "Is this a good team to beat the elite four"'s answer.
Train! Blastoise is good for 80 Train a Psychic..Flying...Fire...Thunder...Ice...or Thunder! That's it!
yes you can,...the pokemon i used were pidgeot, charizard, venusaur, blastoise, Alakazam and Jolteon... Try to have 6 different types of Pokemon in your helps...alot.. bye for now...
uuuhhhhh..... no..
One island.