

Best Answer

You just train your Pokemon heaps.. and its really easy i got on my 1st shot..

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Q: How do you beat the blackthorn city gym in Pokemon Heart Gold?
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Where is the karate king in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Mt. Mortar after winning at Blackthorn Gym. You will need a Pokemon that knows waterfall and an open space in your party because he will give you a Tyrogue after you beat him in a Pokemon battle.

Pokemon heart gold - How do you get to the gym in Blackthorn city?

You ride on a unicycle there Actually, you beat Team Rocket in Goldenrod City. After that, the guy blocking the way in Mahogany Town should move.

How do you beat red in Pokemon Heart Gold easily?

With Pokemon.

What to do in Pokemon Gold after 7th badge?

go through the ice path to blackthorn city and beat clair tp get the 8th badge

What badge do you need to use waterfall in Pokemon gold?

you need to beat the 8th gym leader in blackthorn city. glad to be of service.

How do you get to blackthorn city in heart gold?

After you beat the gym leader before Clair that guy that was blocking your way before will let you through.

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What do you do after you beat red in Pokemon Heart Gold?

go to prefacer.oke then you get one stear pokemon

How do you finish heartgold?

You finish Pokemon heart gold after you beat red.

How do you get past the dude that blocks your way to go to blackthorn in Pokemon heart gold?

you have to beat both the gym leader in olivine and cianwood and in order to get to the gym leader in olivine you'd have to go to the tower there is a open window that you can go through

How do you get to the Blackthorn City Gym Leader in Pokemon HeartGold?

you just go north of blackthorn city and beat the gym leader

Where do you see your rival again after you beat him at the Pokemon league on Pokemon heart gold?

he goes to train his Pokemon in the Dragon cave behind the gym in Blackthorn. Find him there and he will join you in a double battle against Gym leader Claire and Champion Lance. After this battle you will be able to register Claire's phone number if you have won.