Look two answers below: do exactly what he did. I was doing amazing when I hit year 2025 and the website somehow refreshed.
if you want to know how to pick up the poop just sell where the cows are and move them wait until its green again so you always have a place for them ya i agree fellow bellow me but instead of 2 soys do 3 and instead of 3rd world do mcdisneys i did this and i got onto year 2102 (i got a bit cocky so i bought everything so i went bankrupt my highest ever savings were 789,340 and my lowest -1389,687 enjoy!
This dude below is way off.. build 2 soys and 3 cows right away... work up to 2 soys and 8 cows with one cow on each so the land doesnt degrade (some others have used the 3 soy/10 cow combo, but i think my way has a better profit margin). slowly work your way up to hiring 3 of each food service people. keep food pyramid and mcdonalds for the 3rd world on at all time to make sure enough people come in. DO NOT ever pay to corrupt anyone, you'll make enough money to just pay the fines. use hormones and animal flour in the slaughter house. once you're making a steady profit of between $1000-$2000 just let the game run and watch the money rack up.. im on year 2057 and have $600,000 dollars right now. ignore employee complaints too.
apparently someone got it wrong
i am on the year 2039 and i have not completed the game
some tips if you would like
first of all DON'T get any lawyers or things like that OR the children things, use them only when needs E.G some people come along saying your killing the world *use a climatologist then!
second have more fodder * cow food* when you begin trust me you'll need it
3 don't let your money go under 20,000 in your first 2 years well actually try to make sure it never goes under 20,000
4 listen to the people, they WILL tell you what happens (but YOU have to work out how to fix it they don't tell you that)
and finally 5 do not kill the natives or too much of the forest people will try to protest and charge you for it
other two ppl. ive gotten to $2,200,000 in 25 mins. (wouldve gotten further if school didnt start. i reached 40mins once, but then i got bored. sorry, i dont pay attention to the year. and im pretty sure if you get the right combination, your time can be infinite.
so heres my advice,
make sure that for every 3 cows, you have 1 soy after your start up mix. (start up may require alot of shuffling*). and that only 1 cow occupies a single soy field. this way, the pasture doesnt "die" over time. use 2 advertising campaigns at a time, and utilise all the restaurant people. dont use any of the other headquater things. they are a waste of money. also, the hormones in the fodder are quite useful for saving soy. dont kill forest, flatten village, or bribe the mayor. <-- also a waste of money. ignore all of the warnings by the time you get to $300,000 with an annual turnover of about $2000+. during the first two years, its ok to spend heaps. just dont go into debt. (early investment leads to lasting future prosperity) at first, it may be quite difficult getting the amount of cows, pasture and timing right, but after a while, you can just watch the profits roll in.
* For start up, 2 cows per square, and 1 soy pasture to every cow square. OR, accumulate soy first with about 4 soy pastures to 2 cows. accumulate for about 2-3 years. don't use any form of manipulation/illegal stuff earlier in the game. when you've got enough cows and soy to have no warning flashes, slowly adjust to the above guide. allow about 5-6 years for a mastered cycle.
everyone has a different style, feel free to criticize.
When I first started this game I lost after the first 2 years. Then I learned what to do.
First of all start with the cows and soy production. Make 3 cows for 1 soy field. At the beginning make 2 soy fields and 2 cow fields. Make sure that the cows are different sizes so that you can have cows all year long. You can't do that with the soy so just make them at the same time.
Then check the restaurant hire a grill man then after he made about 15 Sandwiches hire a register guy.
Look at the head quarters now. Always check this. Click on the business men and then on the circle with 3 people. Check these for who is upset and if they are not smiling, fix it.
Then next you should gradually hire more grill men and register men depending on what you need. If you are running low on money, check if the workers in the restaurant are really needed. Then check the head quarters for any unnecessary things.
Lastly check the cows often. In the feedlot (factory) they might get sick so you need to kill them. In the field before they go to the feedlot, make sure that the fields arent less then 15% if they are then take the cows off and wait till they are 96%. If you wait till they are 100% you don't know if you were waiting too long and wasted time.
empty it
play properly
You can't. It's impossible
i dont really know hahaha
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the first game to be rated E10+.
empty it
You cant beat That game its just one of those games
You finish it.
dependes on the game
Depends on which game. It varies...
play properly
you punch him
beat egg head
The best video game will vary by other people's opinions and what game system the game uses. One of the best video games would be Super Mario Brothers.
beat the game on hard.
When you beat a video game after twelve months of trying