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If at all possible try to get a fighting-type Pokemon. Any fighting type move will be super-effective against a normal-type Pokemon, which is basically all of the third gym. The gym can be defeated by your starter Pokemon if you are on a high enough level, but it is best to have a second Pokemon by now.

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Q: How do you beat the 3rd gymleader in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Who is Whitney in soulsiver?

she is 3rd gymleader of goldenrod city

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Get the Radio Card from the Radio Station.

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you keep going til you find it

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its in goldenrod at next to the poke center (3rd gym)

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No, not anymore. They are done with doing events for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

What level Pokemon obey after you beat the 3rd gym on Pokemon heartgold?

lv 30

On Pokemon SoulSilver what do you do after you beat trainer red?

Once you beat the very powerful trainer red, you can go to proffeser Oak's lab, & choose your 1st generation Pokemon starters,You can now have full acsess to the Silph co. in Saffron city, when you meet Steve, you can go to Proff. Oak's lab & get your 3rd generation Pokemon can also go to the cave on route 47, & catch Groudon.

What Pokemon can beat the 3rd gym leader on ruby?

ground/rock will be good

How do you battle 3rd gymleader in Pokemon heartgold?

Go to the radio tower in Goldenrod and win the quiz. Whitney will be standing near a counter, go and talk to the accountant. Whitney will go to the gym and then you battle the third gym leader.

How do you beat the 3rd gym leader on Pokemon platnom?

use phycic pokemon. but make sure you use giratina if you have one.

What do you do at maulviile in Pokemon ruby?

Beat the 3rd Gym, and Get HM 06 Rock Smash