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you go on to the next gym witch is etrake city

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Q: What do you do after you beat the 3rd gym in Pokemon silver?
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How do you beat the third gym leader in Pokemon silver?

You beat all of her Pokemon. You beat all of her Pokemon.

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The Gym in Blackthorn City. The gym's special Pokemon type is dragon. After you beat the gym you can use waterfall

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after you beat Whitney the 3rd gym leader go right of the 3rd gym and your see 2 houses go to the top one and speak to her and see give you a squirt bottle

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What level Pokemon obey after you beat the 3rd gym on Pokemon heartgold?

lv 30

What do you do after you beat the gym in Celadon in Pokemon soul silver?

you go to the eleg four

What do you do when you get to the Kanto region in Pokemon soul silver?

beat the all the gym leaders

What do you do after you beat blackthrons gym in Pokemon soul silver?

go catch lugia.