Roxanne is a Rock-type Gym Leader specialist and because of it using the various weaknesses that a Rock-type has would be the best way to beat Roxanne and the weaknesses would include Fighting-types such as Machoke, Machamp, Makuhita, Hariyama, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop and Lucario, Grass-types such as Bulbasaur, Chikorita and Treecko, Ground-types such as Sandshrew and Diglett, Steel-types such as Magnemite, Magneton and Steelix and Water-types such as Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Froakkie, Blastoise and Feraligatr.
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You beat Roxanne the first gym leader in Rustbordo City
It's actually easy! She has I think 2 level 11 or 12 geodudes and a level 15 or 16 nosepass. The Viridian forest will have pokemon that will beat her easily. Nosepass has the move rock tomb so watch out! Hope this help!!
well, after exiting the gym, head to the main street on the left. a team aqua thief should run by. follow him out of the city until you see a cave. go on from here.
Geodude and Nosepass.
In Rustboro right next to the poke center there is a house called cutters house. go in and talk to the guy and he will say you are a talented trainer and he will give you cut. you need the badge from Roxanne to use it.
Yes, her name was Roxanne
You beat Roxanne the first gym leader in Rustbordo City
Roxanne is said 26 times in the song. Other fun facts about the song: Sting chose the name Roxanne because it has a rich history behind it. Roxanne was the name of Alexander The Great's wife and Cyrano de Bergerac's girlfriend. The beat on this song is a classic fusion of rock and reggae, but Sting considers is more of a tango. This song is about a man who falls in love with "Pretty Woman"
In total, you must beat four gym leaders before you can face your dad: Roxanne, Brawly, Watson and Flannery.
Roxanne Frilot's birth name is Roxanne Frilot.
My mother Roxanne is 'ma mère Roxanne' in French.
Roxanne Paltauf's birth name is Roxanne Elizabeth Paltauf.
Roxanne Barcelo's birth name is Ann Roxanne Barcelo.
Roxanne Hall's birth name is Angela McCloud.
It's Roxanne.