Plinky Recto's birth name is Marie Roxanne G. Recto.
Roxy DeVille's birth name is Katie Lynn Avola.
The Real Roxanne's birth name is Adelaida Martinez.
Roxy Louw's birth name is Roxanne Louw.
It's Roxanne.
Roxanne Paltauf is 5' 4".
Roxanne Paltauf goes by Roxy.
Roxanne Frilot's birth name is Roxanne Frilot.
Roxanne Hall's birth name is Angela McCloud.
Roxanne Barcelo's birth name is Ann Roxanne Barcelo.
Rocky Bonifield's birth name is Roxanne Meyers.
Rocsi is the name of one of the hosts of BET's show 106 & Park. This is her nickname however, as her full name is actually Raquel Roxanne Diaz. Rocsi originated from her middle name Roxanne, which she went by.
Cathy Rigby's birth name is Rigby, Cathleen Roxanne.
Plinky Recto's birth name is Marie Roxanne G. Recto.
Richard Paltauf was born in 1858.
Richard Paltauf died in 1924.
Roxy DeVille's birth name is Katie Lynn Avola.