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look under the bed and grab the penny

go to the vent and use the penny to un screw it

climb through the vent

go through the green & black door (top left)

you don't need to enter the first room

proceed onwards

enter the flower room and pick up the plant and tray

proceed onwards

enter room subject #7272 pick up pass card

leave and go back through the green &black door

go faward and through the red & black door

don't go in the room labled "this room has a pit of acid in it"

proceed onwards

go in to the "life-trancfering station"

place the plant on the livving things section

leave the room


go throug room "subject 6553"

look under bed and grab screw

go back to the "life transfering station"

open grey box with a plug on it

place screws in the little circles

leave the room and go bach through the red and black door

go back and compleet the challange (grey box with spinny thing on top)

(little squers at the botem of screen)

and thas as far as i can go sorry will be updated to full game soon

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12y ago
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2mo ago

Well, when you're playing Riddle School 5, it's important to take your time and really pay attention to the details in each room. Try interacting with everything you see, and don't be afraid to think outside the box when solving the puzzles. Remember, it's not just about winning, it's about enjoying the journey and having fun along the way. Happy gaming, my friend!

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Q: How do you beat riddle school 5?
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Will there be a riddle school 5?

Yes there already is a riddle school 5.

When will riddle school 5 come out?

they already have come out with riddle school 5. If you go to and search riddle school 5, they will have it right there.

How do i beat riddle school 4?

you just tap something and you fall and beat the game

What grade is Phil in riddle school 2?

in riddle school 1 he is in 1st grade so in riddle school 2 he is in grade 5

What are the cheats to riddle school 4?

There are no cheats, it's a joke. Riddle School 5 is the real one.

How do you do the tiles on riddle school 5?

figure it out

Is there any way to beat riddle school 4?

Yes there is. To beat riddle school 4 all you have to do is click. Click on anyone or anything. The teacher will push a button from under his arm and you will fall into the volcano that was built under the school. Sounds weird but very true and easy.

What is the walkthrough of riddle school 4?

1-click on the broken tile Thats it the end now move on to riddle school 5!!

Why doesn't the t-bone come to life when you try to life-transfer it in riddle school 5?

You need to put it in the soil that you have in the tray from the flower room.(I beat the game).

Will there be a riddle school 4?

Riddle School 4 is an April's Fools joke, Riddle School 5 is already out, I think it's the best one in the series(in my oppinion), it's the longest, and SURELY the last one.

What is the number pad combination in riddle school 5?


What do you do once your past the monster in riddle school 5?

i think it was into get you