

Best Answer

you just tap something and you fall and beat the game

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Amilia Meeks

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4y ago
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Q: How do i beat riddle school 4?
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Is there any way to beat riddle school 4?

Yes there is. To beat riddle school 4 all you have to do is click. Click on anyone or anything. The teacher will push a button from under his arm and you will fall into the volcano that was built under the school. Sounds weird but very true and easy.

When is riddle school 4 coming out?

riddle school 4 is never coming out. jack griffin

What are the cheats to riddle school 4?

There are no cheats, it's a joke. Riddle School 5 is the real one.

Will there be a riddle school 4?

Riddle School 4 is an April's Fools joke, Riddle School 5 is already out, I think it's the best one in the series(in my oppinion), it's the longest, and SURELY the last one.

Can you play riddle svhool 4 now?

There's a Riddle School 4!? OMG I got to find out

What website is riddle school 4 on?

go to and search Riddle School 4 and it will show a number oof places on he website were it is. (and they have the others too)

Where will you find riddle school 4?

go to and search Riddle School 4 and it will show a number oof places on he website were it is. (and they have the others too)

Riddle school 4?

Riddle School 4 is a April's Fool joke. Ridlle School 5 is already out and ist the best one( in my oppinion), and SURELY the last one.

Is riddle school 4 out?

yes riidle school 4 is out it was since may 09"

When will riddle school 4 come?

not yet it has come

When will riddle school 4 come out?

It will come out in 2010

What is the walkthrough of riddle school 4?

1-click on the broken tile Thats it the end now move on to riddle school 5!!