To beat Mission Motherboard, you need to find all the items necessary to fix Motherboard. The quests and battles with Hacker, Buzz and Delete will give you the items.
go to hard mode on the mission select and beat it
Use The Skip Mission :)SimPle
I couldn't beat Sakura, so I must guess. I think you do the main mission after, or do more mission for that mission
If you want to know how to beat Mission 5 go to
after you beat a mission you go back to one you beat and hit mission and it will show you how to get 3 stars on that mission there are three stars per mission.
That mission is rigged don't do it!!!!!!
do it
Mission Impossible
you dont,
just beat his mission
If you want to know how to beat Mission 12 go to
this answer is really hard to answer specailely cause i beat it!!!!!!! a long time ago i just finally beat mission 9 also read whAT it says
First of all there is no mission 12 out yet!
You could try the second mission,