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Oh, dude, beating level 9 on the World's Hardest Game is like trying to tame a wild elephant with a toothpick. You gotta have the reflexes of a ninja and the patience of a saint. My advice? Practice, practice, practice... or just watch a YouTube tutorial and pretend you did it yourself.

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7y ago

The World's Hardest Game is a time-consuming game that requires split-second timing and perfect control of the moving red square. On level 9, the first and last moves are simple reflex, but the long drop down the middle requires exquisite timing.

(see video link)

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Q: How do you beat level 9 on the World's Hardest Game?
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If you want to beat it, you need courage and help..........

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u cant beat r u stupid its the worlds hardest not worlds easiest god man live a life :P

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you die

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you just do .

Where can you find the worlds hardest game 3?

You can go on for the worlds hardest games. I have tried it before and I can see why its the worlds hardest game! O.K. I'm a new person. I don't think it's really THAT hard. It's moderately easy. I've beat it before. NOT! lol. It's not that really hard though.

How do you only skip one level at a time on worlds hardest game?

you just have to beat every level then you are up to the king and you have to use ninja to beat because the ninja's special attack so you can throw ninja stars and also the ninja's regular weapon affects on the 20th level