you don't...... its impossible........
Rhyhorn will evolve at Level 42.At level 42 in Rhydon.Rhyhorn evolves at level 42.
you click the 42nd 42 and level 42 will be completed and you can then move onto level 43
The left wheel should be at the water drops and the right wheel should be at the fire. See related link for screenshots.
go to you tube and watch the videos and it will show you how to complete level 42!!
level 25, 26 and 43(the level after level 42 that time u move faster than any orther levels) [sorry about the bad english, hope u understand it]
There are 41 Levels + 1 that is a bonus level but still part of the Campaign. So there are 42 levels if you complete them all you will be able to use cheats.
There is no level 42. :(
yes i did and then they gave me 10,000$ because i beat that level if you do that level and beat it you will be rich
You lick me
I don't no sorry
you don't...... its impossible........
3-3 4-2
If I were you, I would get them all to level 45, although when I beat them mine were level 44.
In single player mode: After finishing all levels including bonus level 42, you can get cheats for Single Player mode.How to: First, change your in-game name to " root " without capital letters.Then, go to a level, and press enter, type in " god 1 " and you will get unlimited health, " god 0 " to remove unlimited health. Or you can play a hacked version of it where you can have more cheats added to it. Cheats for Multiplayer are not available and will not be.
teach him vacuum-cut and get him 2 level 42 or 45