Ice type Pokemon can easily defeat lance's Pokemon also for his gyrados and aerodactyl you can use an electric type.
You can beat the Elite Four again, and battle Red again. If you beat lance and the elite four and Lance again then you are able to face Red at mt silver.
What you need is a feraligatr.and then a gyrarados at level 45 or higher and then at least 2 ice Pokemon at level 45 or higher and then you should get a dratini and evolve it into a dragonair and then evolve it into a dragonite which is at level 55 and one of the legendery Pokemon like entei HO-OH or raikou. That is one of the best ways to beat lance well that's how i beat him.
In mahogany town where he will want help to beat team rocket there
Use surf or thunder. Make sure your Pokemon is around level 60
If you help Lance beat Rocket in Mahogany town, you will receive it.
You can use a strong Pokemon to hit all the Elite four's Pokemon and champion Lance's Pokemon (in HeartGold). It depends on your Pokemon level but you can use ice types to beat Lance's Pokemons so it's easy to beat Lance.
the safari after you beat lance once
Dragon is supereffactive adginst dragon
It depends on the Pokemon you have.For me,it could be as easy as beating Cynthia.
To beat Lance you either have to train really...really hard for a while or you could use a combination of dragon and ice Pokemon (dragon Pokemon are weak against both) however make sure these Pokemon can fight the first three Elite as well. From what I remember Lance has a Gyrados, Aerodactyl, and two Dragonites and maybe more so plan accordingly.
Talk to Lance after you beat the Elite Four and he'll give you his cape
You can beat the Elite Four again, and battle Red again. If you beat lance and the elite four and Lance again then you are able to face Red at mt silver.
It depends on the levels of those Pokemon. You will be severely limited by Lance's first Pokemon, which is Gyrados. Even if you manage to beat Gyrados, he has three dragonites that know outrage, which is an extremely powerful move that may wipe out all of your Pokemon.
What you need is a feraligatr.and then a gyrarados at level 45 or higher and then at least 2 ice Pokemon at level 45 or higher and then you should get a dratini and evolve it into a dragonair and then evolve it into a dragonite which is at level 55 and one of the legendery Pokemon like entei HO-OH or raikou. That is one of the best ways to beat lance well that's how i beat him.
i don't know but if you want to beat lance's dragonate just use ice punch he will defeated by you
okay cythia because she has a lv61 garchomp and a spiratomb who has no weaknesess
In mahogany town where he will want help to beat team rocket there